Use our free UK Salary Sacrifice Calculator to estimate your take-home pay, pension contributions, and tax savings. Optimize your finances with this easy-to-use tool designed for UK employees and employers.
Note: Results are for illustration purposes only. Please consult a financial advisor for personalized advice.
How to Use Salary Sacrifice Calculator Tool
1. Enter Your Details
- Gross Income: Annual, monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly.
- Payment Frequency: How often you get paid (yearly, monthly etc.).
- Tax Year: Which tax year?
2. Add Contributions
- Your Pension Contribution: Percentage or fixed amount.
- Employer Pension Contribution: Percentage or fixed amount.
- Employer NI Saving Given Up: Percentage of employer’s NI savings added to your pension.
3. Calculate: Click to see
- Adjusted salary
- Taxable income
- Take-home pay
- Total pension contributions
3. Reset:
- Click Refresh to clear all and start again
Why Salary Sacrifice?
Salary sacrifice schemes allow employees to move part of their gross salary into pension contributions and save income tax and NI. Employers can also pass on NI savings to employees’ pensions too.
Get Started
Use it. Plan ahead. Decide.